October 15, 2008 I wrote a blog post about OT. I wrote about it because Joey's behavioral pediatrician suggested he get some occupational therapy since kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder improve greatly with it. Shortly after that, I had my son's annual IEP meeting in which they told me that he didn't qualify for individual OT and that what he received in a group setting would be sufficient. They were wrong.
I had told Joey's DDD support coordinator that I thought he needed some OT. On the day he got approved for services, I received my weekly email from Horizon Pediatric Therapy, where Joey used to receive speech therapy. They just happen to have a weekly OT appointment slot open up. I jumped on it!
The therapist said that Joey has issues crossing midline and he needs to practice switching his body weight from one foot to the other and touching opposite feet with opposite hands. He also has issues with vestibular movement and proprioceptive system. When I figure out what this all means, I'll write more!
He was uneasy being on a swing and it dawned on me then that he never really goes on swings at a playground. She also mentioned that if he is having issues with sitting on the potty, which he is, it could be because he doesn't have upper body coordination and strength. She suggested using pillows between him and the toilet or installing bars next to the toilet. After his gastro appointment, I will probably try this. She also mentioned a lot of tips inside the Out of Sync Child book, which I have but have not made it all the way through.
To be continued...
Check out the below link for a picture of Joey from his group speech therapy during the summer of 2008.
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