Saturday, January 3, 2009

Upcoming events at SARRC

SARRC (Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center) is holding some upcoming events at their facility. I'm excited because I've been waiting for this. Just as I'm leaving my job, these have become available. They say everything happens for a reason and now I believe it.

PARENT Program
PARENT Program
(Parenting Autism with Research and Evidence-based Naturalistic Teaching)
This eight-week program provides parents/caregivers of children with autism (under age 6) a basic understanding of how their children communicate and how to facilitate language development.
Participants learn and practice strategies for increasing and improving their child’s communication and social interactions while decreasing disruptive and/or self-stimulatory behaviors. Strategies include evidence-based interventions based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), including Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Practical tools gathered throughout the PARENT Program may be applied in any situation to empower parents/caregivers to maximize their child’s ability to communicate and engage in social interactions at home, in school and throughout the community. The series consists of pre- and post-program video assessments, four 2 1/2-hour group sessions and four one-hour individual coaching sessions.
The PARENT Program is facilitated by a SARRC clinical interventionist.
When: 12:30 - 3 p.m. - Tuesday Discussions, January 6 to February 24, 2009 or 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Wednesday Discussions, January 7 to February 25, 2009
Where: SARRC, 300 N. 18th StreetPhoenix, AZ 85006
Instructor: Kristen Treulich, BA Clinical Interventionist
To Register: If your child is at risk or has been diagnosed with autism and is under age 6, contact SARRC at (480) 603-3283 or email
Cost: $600
Topic Schedule
WEEK 1: Discussion: Introduction to Autism, Communication and PRT
WEEK 2: Individualized Coaching Session with your Child
WEEK 3: Discussion: PRT with Toys and Activities
WEEK 4: Individualized Coaching Session with your Child
WEEK 5: Discussion: Disruptive Behaviors and Functional Behavior Assessments
WEEK 6: Individualized Coaching Session with your Child
WEEK 7: Discussion: PRT in the Community
WEEK 8: Individualized Coaching Session with your Child

FRIEND Program
This training is recommended for educators, speech therapists, and parents. School administrators and psychologists and paraprofessionals are welcome.
The FRIEND program is an inclusive social skills curriculum that provides opportunities for students on the autism spectrum to improve social communication skills in a natural setting, supported by peers, parents, educators, and therapists. Participants will develop an understanding ASD social deficits and strengths, how to create inclusive experiences throughout the school day, and implementation of the FRIEND Program. Examples of successful implementation of the FRIEND Program will be presented, as well as multimedia activities, an educator’s guide, and tips with strategies designed to support peer sensitivity training and appropriate strategies for school age students.Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Tucson Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) 2-day Training (Spanish and English)
The Autism Society of American-Pima County Chapter and the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC) are collaborating to offer a 2-day training created specifically for those living and working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD’s), including parents, educators, habilitators and professionals. Participants will learn evidence-based strategies for supporting individuals with ASDs of all ages with varying levels of ability. This training will cover the basic components of ABA, including the ABC’s of behavior, reinforcement and prompting strategies, Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT), Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT), Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) are essential to identifying the reasons behind difficult behaviors and the development of effective behavior support plans. This presentation will detail information regarding the use of structured interviews, observation techniques, and data collection procedures necessary for effective assessments. Practice exercises will also be conducted to assist participants in the development and implementation of behavior support strategies.
On Saturday, January 17, Fernando Armendariz, Ph.D., will provide a concurrent training in Spanish for Spanish-speaking families. This training will provide parents with teaching techniques that they can implement during their child's everyday activities. The goal is to have the most relevant people in the child's life (parents and teachers) help the child develop in the most natural, positive, and stress-free environment. This training will be located at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort in Tucson from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The training will be presented in English both days and in Spanish on the second day.

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