It's been a while since I've written. Life has taken over...that's for sure. The Holidays went well, mainly because there was no disruption of my son seeing his father. Even though I am all for Joey seeing his Dad; it is hard to see how sad he gets when it is time to say goodbye and it definitely puts a damper on the rest of the day. I try not to plan any events or activities after he's had time with his Dad. You never know what his emotions are going to be like and it's nice to give him time to just relax.
Joey did get to take a big trip with his Dad the day after Christmas. It was harder for me this time than it was last year when he went away. I think last year, I was looking for a break. I was still a single parent and a few days off was relaxing to me. This time around, I live with my fiance and we co-parent. I still take care of the majority of parenting but he is there to help out, which I did not have before.
The good thing about this trip is that it gave Joey and his Dad some needed one on one time and it also showed his Dad what it is like to parent Joey day-to-day. Joey also got see snow, meet his new cousin and sit in a firetruck and the cockpit of the airplane. When he came back, Joey seemed a little more mature. He has been very talkative and has been using phrases that I've never heard him say before. When he saw my fiance for the 1st time after the trip, he said "It's good to see you." I'm wondering if the time away from Mommy made him grow up a little.
Even though it was hard to see him go away, I hope he has some great memories that he will keep for a lifetime. And I hope the next time his Dad takes him away, it's not when Oregon is getting an historical amount of snow.
The New Year is upon is and I'm excited about things to come. The one thing mainly on my mind is leaving my full time job so I can spend more time at home with my son. I worked part time when he was born but returned to full time hours when he turned 2 because that's when my husband left. I've missed my time with Joey and now he definitely needs more of my time. There are things I need to do for him that I can't do while working 10 hour days. It definitely seems like a coincidence that when I decide to leave my job that all these workshops open up at SARRC (see other post) and they haven't had anything for a while. People say that everything happens for a reason. I believe now is my time to be with him. Of course, as a Mom, you always wonder if you're doing the right thing. Then, I think about how sad he looks in daycare for all those hours, 3 days a week. The kids love him but he has a tendency to isolate himself. I think between being in his regular pre-school program 4 days per week, being with me and then being involved in some different activities may be great for him right now. He seems to do the best with variety and with adult interaction.
Ok...that's my rant for now.
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