Monday, October 20, 2008

Joey's 4th Birthday

My baby turned 4 on October 19th. It was definitely a chance to reflect on the past year, especially the last few months. The diagnosis has changed a lot, especially the way we plan our days and events. I was worried about how his party would turn out. Overall, it went well. I knew he wouldn't be happy about being sung to or blowing out candles, but he at least was in the room for it and no one asked questions. You see, he's never liked the song (too much noise) and the candles upset him. A few days before the party, I felt sad that he would miss out on this important part of his party but then I realized, am I sad for him or sad for me? Maybe a little of both. He doesn't know what he's missing so he's not sad but I'm sad for him for not understanding that. And of course, we all miss out on the photo op that "typical" children take part in. It's another reminder of how my son can be different from other children.

I can't believe my baby is 4! He has turned into a cool little dude with his own personality. He is talking so much more than he was a year ago, even 6 months ago. Our goal for this coming year is to continuing working on understanding PDD-NOS, getting Joey involved in all the therapies needed and making his life the best it possibly can be.

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