Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Governor Brewer and Autism Speaks

I'll cut Autism Speaks some slack since they are helping AZ get SB 1593 repealed.

Link: http://blog.autismspeaks.org/2011/04/19/tv-ad-blitz-calling-on-governor-brewer-to-veto-misguided-arizona-legislation-to-repeal-autism-insurance-law/

TV AD Blitz Calling on Governor Brewer to Veto Misguided Arizona Legislation to Repeal Autism Insurance Law
April 19, 2011 Autism Speaks Leave a comment Go to comments

Autism Speaks has announced a major, intensive two-day TV ad campaign, running April 19-20, that will call on Governor Jan Brewer to veto a misguided bill that would repeal enacted autism insurance reform legislation and force hundreds of Arizona families to once again pay tens of thousands of dollars a year out-of-pocket for critical autism diagnoses and treatments –– even though they already have health insurance coverage.

“Neighbors,” will run nearly 200 times over two days on Phoenix’s network TV affiliate stations – KNXV-TV (ABC), KPHO-TV (CBS), KSAZ-TV (FOX) and KPNX-TV (NBC). The ads juxtapose two families who have a child with autism – one of whom is getting the treatments he needs because his parents’ insurance company covers his therapies, and another who isn’t because his insurer is not required to provide coverage. The ad calls on viewers to call Governor Brewer and urge her to veto the bill.

For more information, please visit Autism Votes

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