Friday, March 14, 2014

Flashback Friday 2005 (they grow so fast)

I was going to post a picture of Joey at 5 months old in his St. Patty's Day pajamas, but why? He did look cute but that day has little meaning to me.

Instead I selected a picture from June 2005.

This picture of Joey shopping with me always reminds me of how lucky I was that I worked for a company that allowed me to switch to working nights so that I could spend everyday with my sweet Pepper. I wish I could get those days back. Being home with him this week reminds me of those days and how time goes so fast. The time we spend together gets less and less with each passing year. I am so lucky to be his Mom. For those Moms home with their babies, enjoy every "first," every giggle, every moment you can. Before you know it, they will be saying "I'm Italian, deal with it."

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